
We All Cannot Be Extraordinary

Hi, guys! I'm sorry it has taken me more than two months to upload a subsequent post. I hope to improve by sending some contents when I get some free time off work. So, let’s get started with this one: we all  can’t be extraordinary.  We currently live in a world where so many persons, role models, presenters, motivational speakers, preachers, teachers, you-name-it, tell us we all have the ability to be extraordinary in anything, everything we do – surpassing innate ability. Well, nearly all of them said the truth. However, nearly all of them conceal the fact that, we all can’t be extraordinary . And I wish I could shout that enough.  We’ve been made to accept or believe being an ordinary person is not enough, and we are made of more, blah blah blah.  Being ordinary is quite all right by every standard. See, I don’t mean to diminish or devalue your potentials or something, but it is what it is. Ordinary means normal. Ordinary means doing and thinking and believing what most p

My First Post: My Idea

According to Experts research, it has been estimated that an average mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. Out of those thoughts are several ideas that may yield productivity, subject to the originator's action or decision. The conception of an idea is a very easy task for every person to do; the effort and ability needed to make that conception a reality is even harder, but realizable. Once an idea is generated, to ensure its realization, adequate effort is required by the originator to see it to its realization stage, or else, it's simply just an idea, and over time, the idea dies a natural death.  Few years back, around 2016, I guess, I was having a discussion with my good friend (Kareem Ayobami), he asked me if I ever used a diary (the hard copy) – No! I answered. He told me the benefits of having one, and even carrying it around, thereby one can detail one's daily experience and even ideas that may run through one's mind. I felt that was a g