We All Cannot Be Extraordinary

Hi, guys! I'm sorry it has taken me more than two months to upload a subsequent post. I hope to improve by sending some contents when I get some free time off work.

So, let’s get started with this one: we all can’t be extraordinary. 

We currently live in a world where so many persons, role models, presenters, motivational speakers, preachers, teachers, you-name-it, tell us we all have the ability to be extraordinary in anything, everything we do – surpassing innate ability. Well, nearly all of them said the truth. However, nearly all of them conceal the fact that, we all can’t be extraordinary. And I wish I could shout that enough.  We’ve been made to accept or believe being an ordinary person is not enough, and we are made of more, blah blah blah.  Being ordinary is quite all right by every standard. See, I don’t mean to diminish or devalue your potentials or something, but it is what it is.

Ordinary means normal. Ordinary means doing and thinking and believing what most people do, think and believe. Being ordinary requires little or no effort.  It means binge-watching TV [series], playing video games for a long period of time, sleeping for more than 6 hours in a day, spending much time on social media and so on. And engaging in the aforementioned doesn’t require many tasks. Does it? 

Furthermore, an ordinary person is just an average person – an in-between person – who is neither unexceptional nor extraordinary. He is just there in the middle, like Malcolm [pun intended]. And that surprisingly, isn’t a thing to warrant condescension. You hear words like, "ordinary persons don’t amount to something, fulfill their potentials and what-have-you." Yet, ordinary persons still succeed in their various endeavours. Take a look around you, how many extraordinary persons do you know or affiliate with? Probably one out of hundreds of persons, and fact is, the number of extraordinary persons on earth is very infinitesimal. Chances are, you also, are an ordinary person, but your self-esteem preachers and ego boosters must have told you, “don’t see yourself as an average person, you have what it takes to be extraordinary.” To be honest, you do! Now ask yourself, can you do what it takes to become extraordinary? 

Explaining EXTRAORDINARY: simply, it means to exceed ordinary. And if ordinary means doing and thinking and believing what most people do, think and believe, then being extraordinary means being different than most i.e. pushing above the limits. Now only a tad portion of people can do that with persistent dedication. Being extraordinary requires you to fill your time with high-quality tasks like reading and meditating, solving difficult problems, engaging in deep work for massive results, et al.

To become extraordinary, can you consistently do the below listed?

Can you

  • be more efficient with your time
  • be more effective with your talents
  • pursue your goal each day
  • constantly improve yourself (focusing on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual areas)
  • make a list of tasks to get done
  • be committed to your values
  • fail gracefully
  • explore new ideas
  • avoid the crowd
  • schedule time to invest in others
  • decide caring is more important than winning
  • be optimistic even when there seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel

If you can do the above listed regularly, cheers to you becoming an extraordinaire. If you can’t, nobody will fault you. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. 

I don’t know if you notice there aren’t many Nelson Mandelas, Mother Theresas, Mahatma Ghandis, Ray Charleses, Cristiano Ronaldos, Bill Gateses, Michael Jacksons, Oprah Winfreys and so on, in the world. These folks probably gave up ordinary good things for extraordinary greater things. That's what make them extraordinary. 

The rest of us can keep on enjoying our normal life by doing what bring us success and make us happy. 

So, folks, keep living! We all cannot be extraordinary. 

Stay safe.



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