My First Post: My Idea

According to Experts research, it has been estimated that an average mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. Out of those thoughts are several ideas that may yield productivity, subject to the originator's action or decision.

The conception of an idea is a very easy task for every person to do; the effort and ability needed to make that conception a reality is even harder, but realizable. Once an idea is generated, to ensure its realization, adequate effort is required by the originator to see it to its realization stage, or else, it's simply just an idea, and over time, the idea dies a natural death. 

Few years back, around 2016, I guess, I was having a discussion with my good friend (Kareem Ayobami), he asked me if I ever used a diary (the hard copy) – No! I answered. He told me the benefits of having one, and even carrying it around, thereby one can detail one's daily experience and even ideas that may run through one's mind. I felt that was a great suggestion made by Kareem. Although, the thought of taking a diary around seem a burden to me. So I googled up 'e-diary', and I ended up downloading Simple Notepad on Google's Playstore; each day, I detail my experience on the notepad. A better idea came up while I was reading Abidemi Sanusi's "Kemi's Journal" – to create a blog where I can be posting random thoughts of mine and also happenings around me and the globe. 

My idea: to create a blog. My efforts to create a blog: zero

It took more than three years to get this one running, and in between, is me procrastinating – postponing the day I would create it. One of the things I've learnt about procrastination is, it kills dreams, and maybe ideas. It almost killed one of my ideas...
I had created a blog before this one on the 16th of October, 2019. Prior to the blog's creation, I had been using my phone (Simple Notepad) to draft some contents I'd be posting. I intended posting once, bi-weekly. And truly, I was doing well and good with the contents creation. I even showed some of my close friends some drafts, earning some positive remarks and motivation to create my blog and start posting as soon as possible – still, I was not ready, or so I thought.

I believed I was ready on the 16th October, 2019 when I finally decided to create my blog – great move!

Recall, I had been using Simple Notepad to draft some articles. I had quit my former job, and it had been an exhaustive search for a new and better one. I finally got a potential break off the unemployment field when I sojourn to take some pre-employment test at my current place of work. En route, I lost my phone – just a week after I'd created my blog. Okay! It's not the loss of the SIM card that pained me, rather the series of information stored on the device... lol! 

The loss of my phone kind of draw the curtain on my potential blogging experience. Because most of what I had wanted to pos
t were on that phone, plus I was emotionally down (abeg, I was depressed... not gon' lie. lol!)  
So, I abandoned the blog, and any thought of creating one in the nearby future. Then, I got a job. Somehow, the idea resurrected... lucky me! But I was worried about my limited time after work hours. The blog won't create itself though.
It took great, influential WhatsApp posts of Tobi Odeyale (Skinny Tobi) and self-motivation to finally create this one. I remember, I had got home late, and I was scrolling through my contacts' status updates, and Skinny Tobi's updates was the fuel I needed to consume to keep my idea "running". That same night (31st March, 2020), I created a fresh blog... and this is my first post. Yay! 

Basically, and I'm reiterating, I created this blog for the posting of my thoughts, happenings around me and the globe, and occasionally some featured posts which could be in form of poems and other creative stuff. And I can't wait to start sharing them with you, and I hope you guys would always read them as well. 

On a final note (this one is for that person out there), there's always time – limited time is also time. Make adequate effort to commence what you wish to start. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step; take that step now! Don't procrastinate. Keep your ideas alive!


PS: Please don't mind the amateurish look of the blog, some modifications on the blog would definitely be evident as time goes by.


  1. Nice nice bro!

    Looking forward to seeing some great ideas and using it bro 💪💪

  2. Nice nice bro

    Looking forward to seeing some great ideas and using it bro 💪💪



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